Wavy Tail

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Sigma - Senandung Ukhuwah

Diawal kita bersua..
Mencoba untuk saling memahami
Keping keping dihati terajut dgn indah
Rasakan persaudaraan kita

Dan masa silih berganti
Ukhuwah dan amanah tertunaikan
Berpeluh suka dan duka
Kita jalani semua
Semata mata harapkan ridhoNYA
Sahabat tibalah masanya
Bersua pasti ada berpisah
Bila nanti kita jauh berpisah
Jadikan robithoh pengikatnya
Jadikan do'a ekspresi rindu
Semoga kita bersua disyurga..

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Dumai, Riau, Indonesia
I'm a student at UIN SUSQA RIAU Pekanbaru, I take a majour of Accounting S1,,, I am a simple girl, and like the simplicity.. I am a unique person, and like something unique.. I am a person who is different from most people, and will always try to appreciate the differences in life.." "My life is always about searching. I keep searching all the time. For... Friends, Love, Peace, Success and so much more. But at times do wait for a while, and search my soul. It won't take me anywhere, but will help me reach myself."